Hanover's Biggest Loser Competition
What is Hanover's Biggest Loser Competition?
A 12-week weight-loss/wellness competition organized by the Hanover College Wellness Program.
Teams of four people compete to lose the highest percentage of weight - not necessarily the amount of weight - during the competition. (i.e. starting weight of 220 lbs. and ending weight of 200 lbs. would be a loss of 9% body weight)
Prizes will be disbursed to the top three teams and the top male and female individuals among the competitors, with each member of the first place team winning a Fitbit Flex® fitness tracker.
How does it work?
Each competitor weighs in each month in room 023 of the Horner Center. Contact Bill Tereshko (tereshko@hanover.edu) for weigh-in dates.
Who can join the competition?
Any Hanover College employee, student or spouse of employee.
How do teams register?
Teams have to have four competitors. You can build your own team, have a department team or you can ask to have your name put in a "hat" for a random draw.
Choose a unique name (i.e. Defeat De-fat, Inch Busters, Shrinking Assets, etc.)
E-mail your team name to tereshko@hanover.edu.
What are the rules?
Weigh-ins will be one-on-one with either Bill Tereshko or Lindsey Cook, who will handle the weigh-in and your weight with sensitivity and confidentiality. Your percentage of weight lost will only be published if you give us permission.
Competitors should weigh in every month at the designated times. If you cannot make a monthly weigh-in you must make arrangements with either Bill or Lindsey to weigh-in sometime during the same week as the scheduled monthly weigh-in.
No disrobing or loading up allowed during weigh-ins.
T-shirts and shorts or light pants are recommended for weigh-ins. You must take off your shoes for the actual weigh-in. Clothing worn will be noted during the initial weigh-in and will be factored into the final results.
Healthy eating and exercise are encouraged.
Drastic weight loss (over 5 lbs./week) is discouraged.
You will be provided an individual weigh-in record to keep track of weight fluctuations.
Weekly team weight-loss percentages will be posted on the Biggest Loser webpage of the Wellness website. The top ten individual competitor weight loss percentage will be posted also, but with competitor permission only. The individual biggest loser will be announced each month.
What if team members drop out?
We don't encourage dropping out. You need all your team members to remain in the competition and to lose weight to have a better chance at winning.
Team members cannot be replaced.
Team members may drop out, but their weight-loss percentages will be calculated into the team's totals. Again, it's advantageous to keep teammates on your team and losing weight. To drop out, give written notice by e-mail to tereshko@hanover.edu.
There must be at least three teammates still on the team through the last weigh-in to be considered for a team prize.